
Our associates-exclusive webinars are designed with professional development of our associates in mind.

Join us today to become a participant!

Educational webinars within the scopes of the CICC (College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants) guidelines serve as invaluable resources for immigration consultants seeking to enhance their expertise and professionalism. These webinars are meticulously crafted to align with the rigorous standards set by the CICC, ensuring that participants receive accurate and up-to-date information in the field of immigration consultancy.

Our webinars align with the “Essential Competencies for RCICs” as outlined by CICC. These competencies are: (a) Foundational Knowledge, (b) Case Management, (c) Legal Research and Informatics, (d) Business Management and Leadership, (e) Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) and Administrative Tribunals, (f) Professionalism; (g) Cultural Competence, (h) Communication, Counselling, and Advocacy; (i) Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving, and Evidence-Based Practice.

In summary, these educational webinars, in alignment with the CICC guidelines, provide a robust platform for immigration consultants to thrive. By encouraging continuous growth, promoting unwavering professional conduct, and strengthening application and consulting skills, these webinars contribute significantly to the expertise and integrity of immigration consultants, ultimately ensuring the best possible service for their clients within the boundaries of legal and ethical practices.

To learn more about CICC CPD requirements, please visit: https://college-ic.ca/about-the-college/regulations-and-policies/Continuing-Professional-Development-RCIC-2

Past Webinars

Engaging webinars, where industry experts and thought leaders shared valuable insights on a wide range of topics.

TopicPresenterDateDurationCBD ApprovedPrice

Upcoming Webinars

Our thought-provoking sessions feature insightful speakers, discussions on key issues, and strategies for positive change. 

Please click on your desired webinar to pay.

TopicPresenterDateDurationCBD ApprovedPrice
Canadian Immigration Fraud- CaribbeanBA-RCIC5th April 20251 hour0 CAD
Click on webinar to pay. Registration link is provided on the completion page. Contact info@ba-rcic.com with any concerns.


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